
32 Junior Ushers To Serve During Graduation Week

Thirty-two juniors were appointed last night to serve as junior ushers during Commencement Week activities, lasting from June 19 to June 23. Lynn W. Eley '49, chairman of the '49 Class Committee, and Donald B. Louria '49, of the Class Committee, appointed the ushers.

The list includes David I. Coombs '49, Robert Claflin '50, Charles W. Detjen '50, Richard W. Kimball '50, Daniel A. Cronin, Jr. '50, David M. Abbot '50, Anthony G. Ripley '50, Kaye B. Friedman '50, S. David Kahn '50, Peter J. Franco '49, Thomas W. Harrington, Jr. '50.

William H. Gilbert '50, Frank S. Jones '50, Donald Carswell '50, Charles W. Bailey II '50, Bayard Hooper '50, Wellington A. Newcomb '46, Sedgwick W. Green '50, Donald M. Frothingham '50, Thomas B. Spear '49, Robert J. Spence '50, Myles D. Huntington '50, William A. Allen '50.

Nicholas J. Callahan, Jr. '51, John S. Goldsmith '50, Edward F. Burke '50, Donald M. Landis '50, William A. Prior '50, Charles T. Hesse '50, Paul L. Davidson '50, John M. Spivak '50, and Alfred M. Goodloe, Jr. '50.

The ushers will escort visitors through receiving lines, show reunionists around the College, and assist during the Commencement Week activities.
