
University Joins Research System In Local Sciences

Harvard has joined with Yale and six other universities in a cooperative endeavor to speed up research in the social sciences by maintaining joint files so that researchers may learn the latest developments in their particular areas.

The project will be built up from Yale's human relations files, started in 1937 as a small-scale answer to the problem of collecting data in the social sciences.

A copy of these files will be given to each of the universities cooperating in the plan. Then the universities will pool their efforts in enlarging the files, so that as soon as data is discovered, it will be available to all the members.


Already in the association to maintain these files are the Universities of Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Washington, along with Yale and Harvard. The University of Chicago, Columbia, and the University of North Carolina also plan to become members.


Several other universities have indicated interest in the plan, including the Universities of California and Southern California, Northwestern, and Washington University of St. Louis.
