To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
It is at least disappointing to see the CRIMSON abandon its usual refreshing objectivity and print an item both unnecessary biased and viciously inaccurate. The snide treatment of the remarks of professors Aiken and Marne in the report of last night's peace Conference was an utterly uncalled-for distortion of both the form and the sense of those remarks. The complete, and apparently deliberate misconstruction of Prof. Fletcher's comments bore no vestige of either accuracy or integrity.
Prof. Fletcher did not "play" with any topic. His remarks consisted exclusively of direct quotations from the press. His statement on the indecency of a deliberate war was part of a general criticism of the idea of an unprovoked "preventative war" touted by many irresponsibilities in this country and not, as the CRIMSON article implied, advice to abject surrender in the event of unjustified aggression. John M. Bailey Jr. '52
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