
J.O. Brew Named To Peabody Chair

John O. Brew, lecturer on Anthropology and Director of the Peabody Museum, has been named Peabody Professor of American Archaeology, Provost Buck announced last night.

As a member of the Peabody Museum staff since 1930 and Director since last year, Professor Brew has directed archaeological expeditions in the United States and Canada. His work is now concentrated on excavations in the central regions of southwestern United States, where the archaeologist's field is "extremely fertile," since the area is so remote that it is untouched by previous expeditions. The region, near Pietown, New Mexico, contains remains of civilizations which were predecessors of the Pueblos, according to Professor Brew.

Professor Brew is the third occupant of the Peabody Chair since its establishment in 1886. He succeeds Professor Frederic W. Putnam and Professor Donald Scott.
