
Houses Select 8 Councilmen In Vote Today

Houses, Dudley Each Elect One Representative; Ballot Box Open at Lunch and Supper

The annual spate of Spring elections continues today with selection of House representatives to the Council.

The usual noon and night balloting will be used for the election as each of the seven Houses and Dudley chooses one man as Council representative.

Voting will be conducted according to the complicated preferential system, with voters marking their choices in the order preferred.

James O. Heller '49, Chairman of the Council Election Committee, advises men to vote for as many candidates as possible.

The candidates:


Adams: Peter S. Herman '50, William D. Mulholland, Jr. '50, and Andrew E. Norman '51.

Dudley: Daniel A. Cronin, Jr. '50, Gim P. Fong '52, Carl R. Marshall '50, and Henry M. Silveira, Jr. '51.

Dunster: Charles R. Brynteson '50, and Robert L. Lasky '51.

Eliot: Albert B. Carter, Jr. '49, Peter H. Clayton '50, Henry R. Guild, Jr. '50, Samuel A. Lawrence '50, Charles P. Summerall III '51, and Throop M. Wilder, Jr, '50.

Kirkland: John T. Hazel, Jr. '51, Patrick B. McCormick '50, and Joseph M. Walsh '51.

Leverett: D. Broward Craig '50, Robert G. Doyle '50, Laurence B. Rossbach, Jr. '50, Samuel N. Seager '50, and R. Johnson Shortlidge '50.

Lowell: John C. Altrocchi '50, Donald E. Halverson '50, W. Garwood Kleinhen '50, and Dominique H. Wyant '50.

Winthrop: Donald L. Bornstein '50, Robert Claflin '50, James F. Hornig '50, and Williams S. Tyson '49.
