Vincent L. McKusick 3L of Guilford, Maine, has been named President of The Harvard Law Review and Horace R. Baldwin 3L of New York will serve as 1949-50 Treasurer.
Nine other men were named by McKusick to posts on The Review, outgoing editors announced yesterday. All editors will take over their new posts in September.
They will handle America's oldest student law magazine during its sixty-third year of publication since its founding in 1887. The eight issues per year of the journal are filled with discussions of contemporary legal problems.
Co-Note Editors
Case editor next year will be Donald T. Trautman 2L of Cleveland Heights, Ohio, and co-Note editors are Leon S. Lipson 2L of Newton and David Simon 2L of Brooklyn, New York.
Jerome L. Sindler 2L was appointed Book Review editor; Watt H. Demson 2L of Lexington, Tennessee, is in charge of articles; and Lewis C. Green 2L of St. Louis will be Developments head.
Directors of the legal writing program will be Alan E. Schwartz 2L of Detroit, Mich; Hans F. Loeser 2L of Jackson Heights, L.I., New York; and Andrew J. Schoen 2L of New York.