
Tennis Team Expects No Walkaway in Brown Match

The varsity tennis team will be out for win number three at 3:45 p.m. this afternoon when it takes on Brown on the Soldiers Field courts.

Although the Crimson swept both BU and BC by 9 to 0 scores last week, the outcome of today's match is by no means certain. The varsity may rate the edge, but recent showers have cut down practice time, and some of last week's momentum may have been lost.

Last year's tennis team trounced the Browns, but so far this season there is nothing on which to rate the current Bruin squad.

Coach Jack Barnaby will use the came singles players who shone so well last week. In the lineup--in this order, too--will be Bud Ager, Captain Ted Bullard, Charlie Ames, Hilliard Hughes, Jack Frey, and Jay Robb.

Of these men, Hughes, a newcomer to the singles staff, drew the most accolades from Barnaby yesterday. Hughes has dropped but one match since the season's start.


In the doubles competition today, the Crimson pairs will be Ager and Bullard, Ames and Hughes, and Robb and Dave Key.
