
Gov. Dummer to Pose Threat for '52 Lacrosse Ten

Governor Dummer Academy is host to the traveling freshman lacrosse squad today at South Byfield.

The '52 team is at full strength for the contest, but it's a matter of conjecture whether or not they will return in this condition. The Academy players traditionally play a bruising game, and manage to give the opposition a workout, even if they can't win.

This will be the Crimson's fourth contest, and also its fourth trip, for it has played no home games. At Northfield the squad took its first game 6 to 4. Three days later it ran over the Lawrence team 10 to 1 at Worcester. Hopes were high only a week however, for a strong Exeter ten downed the freshmen 10 to 3 on Saturday.

High scorer for the season so far is attackman Bob Baldwin, who has scored seven points all together. Crease player Ned Yost and attackman Lou Schaffer are second and third with five and four tallies, respectively.

Starting the game today are the standbys with which Coach Dick Meryman has begun the past two games. Attack: Yost, Schaffer, and Baldwin. Midveld: Al Sawyer, Rip Lynch, and Pete Brooke: Defense: Tom Brager, Bill Spence, and Ned Maroni. Goalie will be Dunk McCallum.
