
Alumni Elect President for 1949-50 Term

Clarence Randall '12, Chicago Business Executive, Will Be Next Head of Association

Clarence R. Randall '12 of Winnetka, Illinois was elected President of the Alumni Association at a meeting held Saturday night at the Harvard Club of Boston. He will take office for one year immediately after Commencement on June twenty-third.

Randall, who is executive vice-president of the Inland Steel Company of Chicago, has long held connections in the University. At present, as a member of the Board of Overseers, be serves on many committees which form policy in different College departments.

During 1937-38 he served as president of the Associated Harvard clubs. In 1938 he was Godin Lecturer at the College. He has also been active on many alumni committees for many years.

After receiving a law degree here in 1915, Randall practiced law in Michigan until 1925, when he joined Inland Steel as assistant vice president.

Active in community work, Randall is president of the Board of Education of Winnetka, and a trustee of the University of Chicago. In 1938 he was co-author of a book entitled "Civil Liberties and Industrial Conflicts."


At the same meeting Saturday three vice presidents were elected to serve one year terms. There are Robert P. MacFadden '26, New York banker; John Tomajan '14, president of the Washburn Company of Worcester; and Bayard L. Kilgour, Jr. '27, president of the Cincinnati and Suburban Telephone Company.

G. Storer Baldwin '21 of Boston was reelected treasurer, and Peter E. Pratt '40 of Charles River, director of the Alumni Records, was elected secretary.
