
21 Juniors to Run for Two Council Posts

State Prepared by Nominating Committee; '52 Board Picks 12 Candidates, Seeks Others

Twenty-one men were nominated last night to run for the two Class of '50 positions on the Student Council.

They were picked by the nominating committee of the Council; others who wish to run will have to file a petition with 25 names before 5 p.m. next Wednesday. All the nominated men have to do is to signify assent and hand in a brief biography and picture.

Competition will be stiff for the two posts at least four present Council members will be running in the election May 5.

'51 Fails to Nominate

The nominating committee for the Class of '51 also met last night but failed to think up more than a dozen prospects. Another meeting will be held in an attempt to whip up a man-sized slate.


The '50 nominees are: William L. Alden, Donald L. Bornstein, Charles R. Brynteson, Edward F. Burke, Donald Carswell, Robert Claflin, William L. Curwen, Charles W. Detjen, Henry G. Garten, S. William Green.

Also Bruce Harriman, C. Lee Hoefinghoff, James F. Hornig, Frederic D. Houghteling, Richard W. Kimball, Hale M. Knight, Robert B. Lukingbeal, William D. Mulholland, Jr., Charles A. O'Brien, Walter B. Rauschenbush, and Lyle H. Ritchie, Jr.
