
PBK to Give Advice to '52 On Majoring

Sessions to Be Held 3 Nights Next Week; Top Scholars to Answer Freshman Questions

Phi Beta Kappa is going into the advising business. Freshmen still feeling their way indecisively around the field of concentration maze will be able to ask questions of Harvard's top scholars for three nights next week, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Not for the last two decades has an undergraduate organization at Harvard attempted to give counsel in course selection. The advising service also marks Phi Beta Kappa's entrance into active undergraduate activity after 168 years of existing first as a social club and then as an honor society.

Advising Sessions

All the advising sessions, which will be held on an informal question-and-answer basis will take place in the Union Library. At 7 p.m. Wednesday, a group of students who have concentrated in the natural sciences under the direction of Teem will speak about Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Physics.

A humanities committee of which Antonio G. Haas '46 is chairman will cover subjects including English, History and Literature, Philosophy, and Fine Arts at 8 p.m. Thursday. Roy F. Gootenberg '50 will head a later group to discuss social science disciplines such as Economics, Government, History, and Social Relations.
