Freshmen lead hard lives. They are beset by scores of minor difficulties which are often ignored and allowed to ride from year to year. Among the easiest of these to correct is the lack of telephone service for over 100 members of the freshman class. These are the residents of Lionel, Mower, and Wigglesworth, three of the Yard's most modern buildings. At the beginning of this year, one Lionel proctor was overwhelmed with requests to use his telephone and complaints about the lack of a public phone. Lionel, Mower, or Wigglesworth have as many students as several freshman entries which already have telephone service. There is no reason why the residents of these three dormitories should have their public and social lives curtailed by this discrimination.
The situation is neither difficult nor expensive to remedy. The telephone company can install pay phones now; the upkeep can be paid in the same way as it is for the other dormitories. The Union Committee, in its work of smoothing the way for freshmen, should see what can be done so that next year's Yardlings will not face the same predicament.
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