
UN Group Series Ends Tonight as Holcombe Speaks

The series of lectures entitled "The Atlantic Community--An Going Concern?" will end tonight with the presentation of a talk by Arthur N. Holcombe '06, Eaton Professor of the Science of Government, at the Littauer Auditorium at 8 p.m.

This lecture, the fifth in the series, will be on "Atlantic Alliance and the U.N." It was originally scheduled for March 31 but was postponed at that time because it fell on the same evening as Winston Churchill's speech at the Boston Garden.

Previous to this the lectures have been concerned with the political, economic, cultural, and military aspects of the Atlantic community. The first lecture on "The Politics" took place March 3 and had for a speaker Donald C. McKay '27, professor of History.

The United Nations Council of Harvard which sponsors the talks has attempted to create more interest in international affairs and to show the problems facing the Western European Nations and countries on this side of the Atlantic.

Besides McKay and Holcombe, the speakers have included C. Crane Brinton '19, McLean Professor of Ancient and Modern Government, Bruce C. Hopper '24, associate professor of Government, and Lincoln Gordon, Professor of Government and Administration at the Business School.
