
Crimson Tennis Team Travels South To Challenge Tarheels, Navy, Army

Nine varsity tennis players along with Coach Jack Barnaby head south today for the four game trip that traditionally opens the Crimson season. And, as is usually true in the case of southern tours, the varsity is not expected to sparkle.

Two of the four matches will be against formidable North Carolina, and on paper the varsity hardly compares. Not only have the Tarheels had ample practice time under the southern sun, but the Crimson is minus four of last year's six top men.

After Monday and Tuesday engagements in Chapel Hill, the varsity journeys on to Annapolis and West Point for matches with the service academies. Although Navy and Army are strong, Barnaby thinks his men may be able to learn enough against North Carolina to surprise the Middles and Cadets.

Team Lineup

Playing for the Crimson will be Bud Ager, Captain Ted Bullard, Charlie Ames, Jack Frey, Hilliard Hughes, and Howie Swartzman in singles; and Jay Robb, Bob Bramhall, and Ed Bacon in doubles.


After bowing to two southern teams last season, the Crimson went on to beat everyone else except Cornell and Princeton. This year the team is much greener, but Barnaby wouldn't be a bit surprised if his players were able to do the same thing again.
