
Misparked Annex Flivvers May Be Towed Off Quad

Radcliffe might have to tow parked cars from the Quadrangle roadway if students continue to park along it, President W.K. Jordan said yesterday.

Jordan's statement came after recent reports that some students weren't obeying the "No Parking" signs posted recently. "The signs were installed as a safety measure in case of fire," he said. "Fire engines cannot get through the narrow driveway if unattended cars are left there."

The college is unable to build a parking lot behind Moors Hall, Jordan added, since the asphalt would have to be torn up when future dorms are constructed.

With the completion of Moors Hall, parking spaces for about ten cars will be provided just north of Briggs Hall. This space will be allotted to head residents and to students with special permission to keep a car.

Earlier last week, Radcliffe announced that students could not park their cars near Briggs or Barnard, and then rescinded the order until next term, so that 'Cliffedwellers could find a new place to park.
