Six Houses, the Union, and Dudley opened the race for the 1949 -1950 Student Council by picking candidates at last night's nomination meetings. Of the Houses, only Eliot failed to gain a quorum, and will try again on Wednesday.
Nominees, pending their acceptance are:
Dudley: Carl R. Marshall '50 Gus Cronin '50, Gim P. Fong '52, Henry Silveira, Jr. '51.
Dunster: Charles R. Brynteson '50, Robert L. Lasky '51.
Kirkland: Patrick McCormick '50, Joseph M. Walsh '51, William F. Gleason '50, Tilghman Hazel '51.
Lowell: Dominque H. Wyant '50, Gar-wood Kleinhem '50, Daniel E. Halver-son '50, John C. Altrocchi '50.
Winthrop: William S. Tyson '49, James f. Horning '50, Robert Claflin '50, Ken M. Lewan '50, Donald L. Bornstein '50.
Leverett, Adams, and Union: lists incomplete.
During the next three days all nominees will be gathering signatures for nominating petitions. They must each obtain 20 supporters.
In another Coucil development yesterday, President Robert L. Fischelis '50 announced delay of the Red Book poll.
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