
Students Will Choose NSA Group Today

Delegates to Illinois Meeting Next Summer to Be Elected In House Dining Halls, Union

The College goes to the polls today to select its new ten-man delegation for the National Student Association. Voters will be asked to select eight men from a field of 14. The first five chosen in the balloting will serve as regular voting N.S.A delegates and the next five will become alternates.

According to Alfred M. Goodloe '50, chairman of the present N.S.A delegation, ballots will be of the new picture type and will include brief biographies of the candidates. The polls will be open during lunch and dinner in the House dining halls and in the Union.

Following their election, the new members will attend three orientation meetings at which they will be briefed on the purpose of the N.S.A., policy matters, and past projects. Then, for a period of three weeks, they will work as apprentices on present N.S.A. college committees prior to stepping into their new positions.

The entire delegation will attend the National Student Congress in Urbana, Illinois from August 24 through September 2. This conference, to be held on the campus of the University of Illinois, will be five days longer than last year's at Madison, Wisconsin.

The main reason for this extension, Goodloe said, is the greater volume of business. As a warmup for Urbana, there will be a meeting of the New England Region schools sometime in the middle of May.


Pictures and biographies of N.S.A candidates appear on page 5 of today's CRIMSON
