
Quake Shakes Pacific Coast; House Ok's Military Budget

Other News in Brief

Russia accused the North Atlantic Pact nations yesterday of plotting atomic war on the Soviet Union.

Russia's charges were made before the United Nations Assembly in a bitter full scale attack on the New Atlantic Treaty by Andrel A. Gromyko, number one Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister.

The United States Embassy in Prague revealed yesterday that Miss Vlasts A. Vraz, the head of American relief in Czechoslovakia since it was liberated from the Germans in 1945, is a prisoner of Czechoslovak police.

President Truman called on Cogress yesterday to create a Columbia Valley Administration to help develop and conserve the vast natural resources of the Pacific Northwest.

Gregory Staktapoulos, accused of the slaying of CBS correspondent George Polk, testified yesterday at the second session of the trial of Polk's alleged murderers that the journalist was shot to death in a rowboat in Salonika Bay at midnight, May 8.


William R. Polk '51, brother of the dead reporter is attending the trial in Salonika Greece.
