
Law Forum to Argue Federal Education Aid

Conant, President Wriston of Brown Featured Tonight at Cambridge Latin Auditorium

"Federal Aid to Education" Will be discussed at the Law School Forum at 8 p.m. tonight in the Cambridge High and Latin Auditorium. President Conant and Henry M. Wriston, President of Brown University, will be the speakers and Erwin N. Griswold, Dean of the Law School, will moderate the program.

The Proceeds from this forum will go to the Harvard Law School Fund. This fund has been set up to raise money for the Law School's five new dormitories and for scholarships. Construction of the new buildings will begin in June.

Wriston is Leading Educator

Criswold gained recent fame when he chaired the Governor's Committee which exonerated Dr. Miriam Van Waters.

President of Brown University for the past 12 years Wriston is a former professor at Wesleyan College and served as President of Lawrence College for 13 years. He has also been President of the Association of American Colleges and trustee of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.


The topic under discussion has been of major interest ever since federal aid to education became part of the Democrat party platform last year.
