
Council Maps NSA Election, House Voting, Red Book Poll

Elections, election procedures, and polls occupied most of the Council's meeting last night.

1) Last steps were taken for Thursday's National Student Association election. Chairman Alfred M. Goodloe '50 of the present NSA delegation announced that a slate of 14 men were running for the posts of five delegates and three alternates.

2) President Robert L. Fischelis '50 announced that nominations for House posts on the Council will be made at House discussion meetings Thursday evening. The Council election will be held two weeks after that.

3) Also on Thursday the Council will make a poll on the subject of Red Books, in an attempt to discover if there is strong student desire for them.

4) Finally the Council slightly reworked its election rules for the forth-coming Council election. The major change was to prohibit supporters of candidates from using their names on literature put out in the campaigns.
