
JRC Speaker Hits Trial of 12 CP Chiefs

The current trial of 12 Communnist Party leaders in New York is "A trial of a philosophy and a body of principles," C. V. Jerome, Chairman of the Communist Party's Cultural Commission, charged last night.

Speaking before 100 persons at a meeting sponsored by the John Reed Club, he declared that to deny this fact was "to be untruthful to one's self."

Geoffrey White '49, New England secretary of the Communist Party, spoke briefly on the anti-discrimination measures before the General Court which he considered as dangerous trends.

The 12 men on trial, Jerome said, were arraigned in the hope of outlawing Marxist ideas so that when the people's struggle comes there will be no over throw.

He stated that the communist creed was not a foreign importation but sprang up from "native conditions." To say that it was foreign would be "contrary to everything Marxism stands for.


"Communism was not invented by the Communists but is the inevitable outgrowth of the creation of the class system," Jerome emphasized in stating his thesis that Communism is a "science of society."

"Outlawing Marxism is like outlawing Darwinism," he continued. However, he declared that the current attacks on the Darwinian theory by the Soviet scientists were not attacks but merely supplementary changes.

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