
Joint Annex Council Names 11 1949-50 Committee Heads

Incoming and outgoing Student Government officers and the Radcliffe Student Council named 11 undergraduate committee heads at their annual joint meeting, Joan Braverman '50 announced last night.

Joan McCollum '52 will serve as chairman of a brand new group--the Student Employment Committee which was set up this month as a direct result of Radcliffe's rise in tuition.

Members of the new committee will investigate ways that Annex students can take a tuck in their budgets, and later this term, will publicize part-time jobs, chores around the college and other means of saving and earning money.

May Not Be Permanent

This may be only a temporary committee, Miss Braverman added last night. "It's only an investigatory setup, and once all opportunities of earning money around Radcliffe and Cambridge have been studied, the group may split up."


Cynthia Williams '51 was named to head the youngest Student Council committee--the Dormitory-Commuter group which was formed last term. Lucia Toscano '50 wil run the day students' half of the committee as co-chairman with Miss Williams.

One More on Council

Joint council members named Marilyn Coverly '52 head of the Community Service Committee and simultaneously approved a motion to give the chairman of that committee a non-voting seat on Student Council.

Other committee heads for 1949-1950 include Curricular, Eleanor Larsen '50; Health Center, Jeanne Chinn '51; House

Which from now on will be known as the Agassiz Committee--Maryalice McArdle '52; Library, Laura Wilson '50; Orientation, Mary Lyon '50; and Social, Carol Smith '51.

Student Government's Publicity Committee will have co-chairman for the first time next year, Miss Braverman said. Nine Ratzersdorfer '52 will handle Quadrangle posters and announcements; her commuter counterpart has not yet been named.

Appointments of a voting chairman and the editor of the Red Book, the freshman handbook turned out every summer, were tabled for further discussion.

Committee chairman are empowered to name their own follow workers, and will probably have their six or seven girl groups chose within a week.
