
Adams Wins Over Deacons in House Foils Tournament

Adams won the Inter-House foils tournament yesterday afternoon after every other team except Kirkland had dropped out by the quarter-finals.

The final score was Adams 4, Kirkland 3, with the Deaconn making it a battle down to the last match. Ray Pierce, exvarsity man playing for the Gold Coasters, beat Larry Zeltlin in the finals to break the tie and win the meet.

Previously, Pierce had beaten Kirkland's Ste Falk in the semi-finals and Zeltlin had downed Adams' Pete Ode. Under the scoring system, a team made one point for each win in the quarter-finals, semi-finals, and finals.

Inter-House fencing continues this afternoon with the saber competition, and tomorrow with epec. Adams and Kirkland still loom as the strongest teams.

Fencing is the last intramural tournament to be run off in winter Straus Trophy competition. Previous special tourneys included boxing, wrestling, and swimming.
