
Dorgan Requests Shapley Drop His 'Commie' Council

The clerk of the Suffolk superior civil court thinks Harlow Shapley, Paine Professor of Practical Astronomy and Director of the Harvard College Observatory, should resign from the National Council of Arts, Sciences, and Professions.

Thomas E. Dorgan claimed last night, "I don't think it is good for a great university like Harvard to hire men who are supposed to be Americans and who associate with Communists."

This Council is currently sponsoring the Cultural and Scientific Conference for World Peace of which Shapley is the chairman.

"It is admitted," Dorgan went on to say, "by pretty nearly everybody that the Conference is organized by the Soviet Government and it is too bad they have an astronomer like Shapley as front man for it.

"Shapley has been Commie-conned by the Russians and a lot of people are afraid he will be kidnapped because he likes them so much."


Shapley is being used by the Russians, according to Dorgan, to spread propaganda. Citing the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and a Massachusetts law case, Sherman vs. the University of Massachusetts, Dorgan declared he must cease his activities along this line by resigning from the Council.
