Harvard apparently loves the National Student Association. At any rate, it gives NSA over $1000 a year to maintain rapport with student organizations all over the nation and to whip up schemes like the DP program and the purchase card plan. Whether it likes the idea or not--and a segment of the paying population inevitably doesn't--Harvard is securely wedded to NSA.
Tomorrow, NSA will be holding a meeting of prospective candidates for the position of delegates (5) and alternates (3) on the Harvard NSA delegation. It would be well for the political element of the College to turn out in multitudes to try for these posts. A good delegation, unlike this year's which almost broke up after its summer trip to the convention in Wisconsin, would do NSA and the College a noble turn.
The prime requisite for a good delegation is a swarm of serious-minded, enthusiastic candidates for the jobs. Swarm dammit.
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