
The Moviegoer

At the Paramount and Fenway

Two of Hollywood's best films of last year have been put together to form one delightful double bill in midtown Boston. These are "Johnny Belinda" and "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre," both out of Warner Brothers.

Both pictures are notable for fine acting performances. Jane Wyman, as a deaf-mute in a rugged seacoast town, has already received a garden of critical orchids. Walter Houston, as the old prospector leading two hot young bloods to a fortune in gold, creates a wonderful character who dances at the sight of gold dust.

Both pictures are also notable for music scores by Max Steiner. His melodic style makes the background much more than the usual dramatic cliches. It is a great and rare feeling to sit through a double feature and see two good films. Edward J. Sack
