
Winthrop Has Laissez-Faire policy

Puritans' Ivory Tower Harbors Television Lounge, Intimate Dining Tables, River Views

Certain Houses are good for certain kinds of people. A Dunster man's meat is apt to be a Lowell resident's poison. In making the transfer from Yard to House, freshmen should consult their own inclinations and interests, and choose, if possible a House where these characteristics seem prominent.

If you like a lot of privacy and indifference, athletics, television, toto-a-teleaized dining hall tables, the river, LP records, and science in general, Withrop House is the place for you.

It is entirely possible to live in Winthrop for three years without ever speaking to the fellow in the room across the hall. This makes it difficult, sometimes, to borrow things like corkscrews, and has been interpreted by other Houses as a dangerously anti-social condition. Puritans regard it as a healthy, live-and-let-live attitude, and seem to prefer it to the more closely integrated House life elsewhere.

. . . Athletes Too

A great proportion of the rooms at Winthrop contain dumb-bells, and plaster casts of the discus-thrower outnumber other sculpture three to one. This is because Winthrop members are traditionally athletic, and show no sign of relaxing their interest in intramural and all-College sports. There are even some intra-House sports, such as water-fighting, which have been highly organized in the past.


The Winthrop library is good and usually uncrowded, with fine collections of science books and French history and literature. An active interest in music has been responsible for the additional in recent months to the record collection of many LP Issues, and the House music room has the necessary attachment.

Under the leadership of several able and active resident toutors, discussion groups in everything from American history and literature to more advanced scientific problems are conducted throughout the year. A closed series of early American film comedies has been especially attractive this year, what with Charlie Chaplin and Fatty Arbucklo and all.

Winthrop food is from the central kitchen; no more need be said.

House Master Ferry

The House Master, Ronald M. Ferry associate professor of Biochemistry, has in the past followed a policy of "a balanced clientale" is House membership, believing that students of all interests and categories should be represented as fully as possible. This hetrogenretly had perhaps been partly responsible for the decentralized House attitude mentioned above.

During the past year, Withrop has emerged as a strong force in the politic- ian-breeding field, supplying two out of three Class of 1949 marchals and four out of ten permanent committeemen. Its more internationally-minded members have entertained visiting firemen in quantity from Amsterdam and other faraway places, and rumors of a resident Eskimo, through probably exaggerated, are not entirely unfounded in fact.

They used to serve coffee and conversation in the common room after dinner, but this custom has given way during the last term to the television hour, which lasts all night and draws bored policemen and Cambridge gamins as well as a good portion of the House residents. All in all, Winthrop has the best television setup in the College to go with its other superlative attributes
