
Three Lowell Teams Hit Elis Today

Veteran Bellboy Five Plays Yale's College Champ on Eli Court

Lowell's title-holding basketball players won't be a bit nervous when they go down to New Haven today to take on Branford College, Yale's intramural champion.

It's not because the Bellboys are assured of victory, because they're not. Both teams have a record of 11 wins and 3 losses in their respective leagues. It's just because most of the Bellboys have had so much experience on the court in the last few years that they can face a tough opponent with almost professional level-headedness.

It was this importurbability that won the league title for the Bellboys. The team practically never misses an easy shot and scores on almost every clean break. Just ask the players on the other House teams.

Two Ex-Jayvees

The case histories of individual players on the Lowell team tell the story. Guard Johnny Goldsmith and forward John Altrocchi have already played Yale two years in a row--on the freshman and then jayvee teams.


Goldsmith, high scorer in the A League with 228 points in 14 games, is so good at anything in basketball that he really doesn't have a specialty. But if he does, it's the ability to steal the ball from a foe and escape down the court.

Altrocchi is an enigma. He often stars, but sometimes shows up miserably. He makes the majority of his baskets shooting with one hand from way over in a corner. He's an expert at crashing through a bunch of enemy players, but picks up surprisingly few penalties.

House Oldsters

Two other men with a lot of experience are guard Walt Coulson and center Mike Post, who are both finishing up a third year in House basketball. This pair of oldtimers were with the Lowell team that beat Timothy Dwight, champion Eli College two years ago.

Fred Donahoe, first string forword, decided not to go to New Haven, so Bud Gibbs will take his place and will be the only first-season man to start.
