
Five Radcliffe Juniors Win Phi Beta Kappa Membership

Radcliffe's Iota Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa announced the election of five Annex juniors yesterday. They are Rona Goldfarb, Eleanor Larsen," Patricia McMillan, Bernice Ginsberg Sindler, and Elaine Tanner, all of the Class of '50.

The new electees will be formally initiated into the Annex chapter at a dinner later this term, and will receive their good keys at that time, Judith Spector '49, undergraduate secretary of the organization, announced last night.

Miss Goldfarb's field of concentration is Social Relations; Miss Larsen's, History, Miss McMillian's, Chemistry; Mrs. Sindler's, Chemistry; and Miss Tanner's, Government.

Miss Larsen is president of the junior class, and Miss Tanner is editor-in-chief of the Radcliffe News. Miss McMillian has served as secretary of the Annex Christian Fellowship and is a member of the Dolphin Club.
