
'Cliffe Freshmen Plan Big Weekend To Raise Funds for Adoption of DP

Profits From Two Day Spree Will Pay Foreign Student's Way Through Year at Annex

Radcliffe freshmen are making an all-out effort to reap enough profits from their "weekend" tomorrow and Saturday to support a student Displaced Person for a year's schooling at the Annex next year, a project voted for by the class earlier in the month.

Starting in Agassiz theater tomorrow afternoon with a program of two plays, the freshmen will stage a cake baking contest, jazz concert, torchlight parade, candlelight banquet and finally a Saturday night prom.

Melodrama in Agassiz

The plays, traditionally given by the freshmen for their senior sisters, were incorporated into the weekend program this year and are open to the entire student body.

The two plays are A.A. Milne's "The Man in the Bowler Hat," an old-fashioned melodrama, which offers everything from a heroine in a strapless gown to a villain, and Essex Dane's "Tuberoses." which tells a tragic episode concerning three sisters.


Connaught "O'Connell, Phoebe Crampton, Janet Fernald, Carl Friedman, Faith Gowen, Ann Hunt, Jane Johnson, Janet Nelson, Felicia Reed, Betty Scott, and Ellen Simmons comprise the casts of the plays.

Cake baking will go on in Cabot Hall this afternoon and tomorrow on a mass production level in preparation for the judging at the jazz concert tomorrow evening. The first three males to arrive at the concert will sample every cake and pick the winner.

The Crimson Stompers, a Dixieland band, will play at the jazz concert. Trumpeter Paul Watson of the Vinal Rhythm Kings has promised to join them.

Freshmen officials expect a "spontaneous" torchlight parade to wind up the evening.

Saturday the freshmen have a formal dinner and dance. The dinner will be held in Cabot for those couples holding combination tickets for the Weekend.

Donations Asked

The freshmen are asking for separate contributions for the DP student from those classmates who can't attend the "weekend." The class may tap the entire student body should it fall short of its goal.

The DP will also be eligible to compete for regular Radcliffe Scholarships.

The freshmen decided by a class vote to support the foreign student as part of a nation-wide NSA project to bring DP's to colleges throughout the country. Each of the other three Radcliffe classes has a foster child in Europe at present, but the Class of '52 preferred the new idea of bringing a DP to Cambridge.

Enthusiasm and cooperation on the undertaking has been even better than expected, class president Cherry Merritt said yesterday, announcing that well over 100 combination tickets had already been purchased.

Chairmen for the weekend events are: Dance committee, Phoebe Crampton; jazz concert, Betty Bagby; banquet, Alison Mathews; tickets, Jane Johnson; publicity, Nina Ratzersdorfer; and commuter representative, Luretta Valtz. Connaught O'Connell is play chairman; Dorothy Tobkin an Helen Puro, co-directors; and Barbara Pitts, production head.
