
Inexpensive Fare to Europe For Study May Be Provided

Inexpensive passages for 7500 students and teachers planning to study and travel in Europe this summer will be provided under a resolution introduced in Congress yesterday by a bipartisan group of Senators. The resolution provides for round trip fares at a cost of less than $250.

The expected passing of the bill will solve the problem created two weeks ago when the troop transports used to carry students to Europe last year were transferred to the Army. The resolution calls for the use of Maritime Commission transports, similar to those used last year.

Sammer projects in Europe are being sponsored by many educational and religious groups. The NSA has just released a booklet entitled "Study, Travel, and Work Abroad, Summer 1949," which describes the various opportunities open to American students in Europe this summer. This is available in PHB.

Large Program

NSA's summer program includes seven European study-tours, five work-camps in Europe and a seminar in Italy.


The study-tours, which NSA sponsors with the cooperation of National Student Unions abroad, offer six to seven weeks of guided travel as well as one to two week periods of free time. Americans will travel in groups of from 10 to 20 together with students from other countries and European student guides.

The Tri-Nation tour is typical of the NSA offerings in this field. Students taking this tour will spend two weeks each in England, Holland, and France, and will have one week for independent travel. In each country the first week will be taken up with excursions to sites of historical interest and general lectures on current problems.

During the second week students may join one of two groups. The first will concentrate on the art, architecture and culture of the country and will visit museums and other cultural centers. The second group will concern itself more with study of the social, political, and economic life of the country, and will visit factories, newspapers and universities and attend sessions of local and national legislatures.

The cost of this tour is $570, which is about the price of all of the NSA European tours. Cost includes trans-Atlantic shipboard fare, housing, food, and all expenses except those incurred during periods of independent travel.

Eastern Europe

Two NSA tours of Eastern Europe are tentatively proposed, one to Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland and one to Czechoslovakia, Rumania and Bulgaria.

For the first time since the war living conditions in countries west of the iron curtain, although by no means luxurious, are quite satisfactory. Passports and visas will cause no trouble, and cheap trans-Atlantic travel is possible in student planes as well as in student boats.

Work camp opportunities are in Holland, England, and Finaland.

Closing date for all applications for NSA summer projects in Tuesday, March 15, Alfred M. Goodloe '50, chairman of Harvard's NSA delegation, announced yesterday.

Outstanding among the other European opportunities open to students this summer are those offered by American Youth Hostels, Experiment in International Living, Trans World Airline, and World Study Tours.
