
Lowell Quintet Takes Tenth; Dudley Bowls Over Leverett

Lowell House extended its "A" League basketball winning-streak to ten straight last night by defeating Adams 56 to 36 after Dudley had outlasted Leverett, who weakened in the finish, to carry off a 40 to 33 triumph in the afternoon.

Winthrop acquired a win the easy way last night when the Dunster squad failed to appear forfeiting the game.

Wally Coulson, Bellboy guard, turned in a competent performance offensively by scoring ten points. Archie Southgate, currently leading the "A" League in scoring, was high man for Lowell with 14, Frank Holt led the Adams five, tallying 19.

Cushman was outstanding for the Dudley quintet. He constantly broke up Leverett plays and led his team in scoring with eight points. Dave Belcher was high man for the losers with eight points.

In the "B" League, Leverett trampled Dudley 48 to 30, Adams beat Lowell 34 to 19, and Winthrop defeated Dunster 44 to 28. The game between Eliot and Kirkland was postponed.


Adams lost to Dunster 1 to 4 as Winthrop slid by Leverett 3 to 2 in the "A" League of the intramural squash tournament. Lowell shut out Kirkland 5 to 0. In the "B" Squash League Dunster matched four points to Adams' one, while Leverett defeated Winthrop 2 to 3, and Lowell beat Kirkland 4 to 0.
