
Experts at Law Forum State Role Of Art in Society

Launching its five day symposium on "Values for the Modern Man," the Harvard Law School Forum brought experts from the fields of literature, fine arts, and music to the platform of a packed New Lecture Hall last night for a discussion of the general problem in torms of Arts and Letters.

Tonight the Forum will discuss values in relation to the Social Sciences with members of the Harvard and MIT faculty on the panel.

The board last night, composed of Dorothy Adlow, art critic of the Christian Science Monitor, A. Tilliman Merrit '29, professor of Music, F.O. Matthiessen, professor of History and Literature, and Howard Mumford Jones, professor of English, found itself in agreement on the role of the artist in society.

Artist Responsible to Truth

"The artist's responsibility is to truth, to what he feels compelled to say, to what his experience and environment has taught him," declared Matthiessen.


Speaking from the viewpoint of the musician, Merrit remarked that if the artist "really wanted to reach the masses, he would go into singing commercials." The artist has the most opportunity in a democratic state, he added.
