Dean Sherman yesterday accepted the Radcliffe Student Council's recommendation that membership lists of all Radcliffe activities be submitted to the Dean's Office. Such lists are to be destroyed at the end of the year.
The ruling will require the Radcliffe chapter of the American Youth for Democracy to submit a membership list t the Dean's Office each term or lose its official recognition as an Annex undergraduate organization.
"No Change"
"Since it has not been our practice to keep club lists in the past," Dean Sherman said yesterday, "agreeing to destroy them represents no radical change from our previous policy."
The Office AYD has protested against being required to submit a list on the grounds that such a record might cause AYD members t be refused government or private jobs on political grounds.
The AYD is on the Attorney General's list of subversive organizations.
Previous Proposal
At first, the Council had considered a program by which all political groups would submit a joint list of their members. This list would be in alphabetical order so that no one could identify a student on the list as a member of a specific political organization but would only know that the given student had joined a political club. This suggestion was defeated in favor of the proposal which the Dean's Office accepted.
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