
Eberhart Will Present Gray Fund Lecture

Richard G. Eberhart has been selected as the next speaker under the Morris Gray Poetry Foundation, F. O. Matthiessen, professor of History and Literature, disclosed yesterday.

Eberhart will give the Foundation lecture at 5 p.m. Wednesday, February 16, and will read from his own works, Matthiessen said.

Morris Gray '77 established the Foundation in 1929, giving $10,000 to the University. The income of this fund was car-marked for "the giving of occasional talks or lectures on modern poetry." Gray, who was a prominent lawyer, was graduated from the Law School in 1880.

Second Poet

The newly-named Morris Gray lecturer will be the second poet to appear at the College this year. Last month Robert Frost recited some of his poems and regaled his overflow audience at Kirkland House with his comments on the Kinsey Report.


Ebenhart is now an instructor at the St. Mark's School in Southboro. He attended the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in the 1932-1933 school year.

As well as being a poet, Eberhart is a noted authority on the history of English literature.
