
Volunteers to Aid on Union Committees

Freshmen Will Rotate in Jobs Investigating Food, Planning New Recreational Facilities

Every freshman will get a chance to work on a Union subcommittee under the revised set-up that the these Committee will formulate at it first meeting of the term, chairman Ira A. Peterson '52 said last night.

Until now, Committee members always split up special jobs among themselves.

Each subcommittee will handle a specific portion of freshman activities, with a member of the Union committee as chairman. He will choose temporary assistants and an indefinite number of advisers from the class of '52, picked on a rotating basis from a list of volunteers.


The reorganization plan will put subcommittees in charge of the Union's common room and recreational facilities, including the television room, meeting rooms, and the proposed game room and pool parlor.


"This program will get new ideas out in the open where they can do the class some good," Frank W. Rech 3L, Secretary of the Union, commented last night. "It will take some of the burden of administrative detail off committee members and give them a chance to concentrate on class affairs on a broader scale."

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