
Moritz Moves to Western Reserve

Dr. Alan R. Moritz will resign the Francis Glessner Lee Professorship of Legal Medicine and the chairmanship of the Medical School's Department of Legal Medicine on September 1. He will become director of Weston reserve University's Institute of Pathology in Cleveland, it was revealed Saturday.

Moritz was an associate professor of Pathology at Western Reserve before coming to the Medical School in 1937 as a traveling fellow of the Rockefeller Foundation. In 1940 he was named head of the Department of Legal Medicine. Under his direction, the department has developed one of the leading crime investigation laboratories in the world

Moritz has served as state pathologist for the department of public safety since 1940 and as chief pathologist of Peter Best Brigham Hospital since 1947.

Announcement of his departure stalled the University's negotiations with Metro Goldwyn-Mayer for production of "Murder at Harvard" at lest until a successor is installed.
