
Fair Snow Waits Expectant Skiers

Forecast for all points--Fair and continued very cold today. UPPER NEW HAMPSHIRE

Franconia Cannon--16-20, two powder. Cloudy. Fair to poor skiing.

Jackson Black Mtn.--11-15, packed powder, Fair. Good.

North Conway--16-20, powder. Fair. Skiing fair to good.

Warren Mt. Moosilaske--21-25, two fluffy, Fair. Excellent to good. LOWER NEW HAMPSHIRE


Hanover--11-15, four powder. Fair. Good.

Laconia Belknap--3-6, three powder. Cloudy. Good.

Mt. Sunapee--7-10, four powder. Fair. Skiing fair to good.

Peterboro Temple Mtn.--16-20, five powder. Fair. Excellent to good. VERMONT

Brattieboro Hogback--21-25, seven breakable. Fair to good.

Heartwellville Dutch Hill--21-25, Breakable. Fair to good.

Manchester Big Bromley--11-15, powder. Cloudy. Fair to good.

Manchester Snow Valley--11-15, powder. Cloudy. Fair.

Rutland Pico--11-15, one powder. Cloudy. Fair to good.

South Royalton--11-15, two powder. Fair to good.
