
Key Society's College Dance Is Abandoned

Social Affairs Committee Puts Aside College-Wide Weekend As Other Dances Fill Dates

There will not be an all-College dance this year, announced Robert L. Matters '50, secretary of the Harvard Social Affairs Committee. He cited the fact that the social schedule is already filled with House dances and class weekends as the reason for the decision.

With this action the Committee brought to an end a year of effort on the part of the Crimson Key Society to bring together socially all four of the College classes with a great weekend highlighted by an all-college dance.

The date for such an affair had been tentatively set for April 23, but this date was found to coincide with the date previously reserved for the Class of '51 dance. At the Social Affairs Committee meeting last Thursday night, all other dates were found to be occupied.

Lowell House starts the spring schedule for open dances with an informal dance tonight. Next Saturday the Leverett House informal will take place. On Friday, March 11, Eliot House will sponsor a formal, and the following week, on Saturday, March 19, an informal dance will be held at Winthrop House.

Other dances will include the Dunster formal on Saturday, March 26; Kirkland informal on Saturday, April 16; Class of '51 dance on Saturday, April 23; and an Adams House dance on April 30.
