
Van Waters' Battle Comes To University

Criswold Selects Langdell Hall As Hearing Site; Prosecutor Question Penologist Today

Dr. Miriam Van Waters' fight for reinstatement as head of the State Reformatory for Woman moves to Harvard today. Dean Erwin N. Griswold of the Law School, head of Governor Paul A. Dever's special commission on the Van Waters case, announced yesterday that the site of the hearings has been switched from the State House to Langdell Hall.

The decision to move the proceedings to the Law School auditorium was made because Langdell Hall "was the only available space," Dean Griswold said yesterday. Today's hearing begins at 10 a.m. and is scheduled to end at 5 p.m.

At the State House yesterday attorneys for the State Commissioner of Correction Elliot E. McDowell questioned Dr. Van Waters on charges that she permitted homosexuality in the Women's Reformatory during her 17-year administration.

Prosecution Ends Friday

Other charges made by Commissioner McDowell, who fired Dr. Van Waters on January 11, deal with alleged violations of state penal laws, and "lax administration." The prosecution has until Friday night to wind up its case.


The current hearing is the second official airing of the Van Waters case. Commissioner McDowell held a public hearing from January 16 to February 8, and ruled finally to sustain his original dismissal order.

Dean Griswold's commission began the new investigation last Monday, and at the request of Dr. Van Waters the hearing was opened to the public.
