
HLU Lawyers Ask Attorney Powers For Movie Battle

Liberal Union executive committee members will ask the HLU tonight for power of attorney to act in the Film Series litigation. The request will be made at a joint membership meeting in Littauer Center Auditorium of the HLU and Radcliffe Students for Democratic Action.

If the request is granted, a legal staff of five Law School members directed by John L. Saltonstall, Jr. '38, a member of the Boston Bar, will receive authority to start legal action against the University Theatre and its film suppliers.

Belanger Speaks

Before the business meeting, J. William Belanger, president of the Massachusetts CIO, and John T. Dunlop, associate professor of Economics, will address the gathering on "What Kind of Labor Law Should Replace the Taft-Hartley Act?"

HLU members will hear a report on the Film Series negotiations so far and an outline of future action.


The meeting will elect ten delegates to the National ADA Convention in Chicago.
