
Cheerleaders Ask College Tumblers To Try Out Today

The cheerleaders start today recruiting a tumbling team to help them continue their war on Stadium indifference next fall.

"Actions sometimes shout louder than words," head cheerleader Jerry Liebman reasoned in announcing the new move. He also pointed to the favorable reception last fall for the limited acrobatic routine of the cheerleaders themselves.

Besides dramatizing old yells, the tumbling squad will do some special numbers with the band. "We're really looking for men with plenty of experience," Liebman explained, "but any good tumbler who knows the usual flips, handstands, cartwheels, and air somersaults has a chance to make the new squad."

Radcliffe Barred

Those interested in the project should see Liebman in Leverett D-51. "But Cliffe girls need not apply," he emphasized, recalling previous Annex attempts to usurp the cheerleaders' job.


Three members of the cheering squad, including Roger Butler, last fall's tumbling ace, are already working out stunts for next year in a private gymnasium in Boston.
