
Crime Opens Competitions Tonight

Spring competitions for all four boards of the CRIMSON open at 7:30 p.m. tonight at the CRIMSON building, 14 Plympton st.

Highlighting the competition debut will be free cool beer and an informal introduction to the ways and means of "Cambridge's Only Breakfast Table Daily."

All boards are bidding for freshmen, sophomores, and juniors tonight, except the Photo Board, which is seeking only freshmen and sophomores.

News Board

In addition to being Harvard University's only course in journalism, a CRIMSON news board competition offers a fine chance to get "inside Harvard." The competition, which is open to freshmen, sophomores, and juniors, also is valuable for students who don't plan to make a career of journalism, and gives valuable training in handling people, organizing one's time, and general writing techniques.


So drop around at 7:30 p.m. tonight if you want to get the same training that sent Joseph C. Grew '02, James B. Conant '14, Cleveland Amory '39, and the late Franklin D. Roosevelt '04 on their way.

Business Board

Would-be financiers can find their place on the CRIMSON business board. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are eligible for the competition opening tonight.

The CRIMSON is a full-time enterprise requiring the services of more than a dozen business editors. Running its finances entails experience not found in other undergraduate organizations.

Candidates will receive training in selling, copy writing, publishing, and promotion. They will become acquainted with the Harvard sq. and Boston business communities.

Editorial Board

The only place at Harvard where you get a chance to write about things that happen and worry about your writing at the same time is on the CRIMSON editorial board. In English A you can try to write well about nothing; on the Crime news board you have to write about anything at breakneck speed.

But on the ed board, your efforts will got a two-way boost. National, local, and College affairs are in its domain, and here also are the men who can tell pomposity from pizzazz at distances up to a mile.

Photographic Board

Want to learn a trade? Just saunter up to the impolite end of Plympton st. in time for 7:30 beer and crumpets tonight. The CRIMSON will pour. Your old rank is guaranteed and old experienced hands will guide you through photographic basic.

If you don't want to take pictures come anyhow. Once a CRIMSON candidate you won't be bothered by anyone. The Advocate will consider you illiterate, the Lampoon will consider you a boor, and the Clubs won't even consider you.
