
Willkie, Teele, Bender Speak On Educations for Business

Two Harvard Deans and H. Frederick Willkie, Vice President of Seagram's, distillers, will join to discuss the kind of education desirable for men seeking jobs in business at 8 o'clock tonight in the Kirkland House Junior Common Room. The meeting will be the first in the current series of career conferences, which are sponsored each spring by the Office of Student Placement.

Dean Bender and Stanley F. Teele, Associate Dean of the Graduate School of Business Administration, will share the platform with Willkie in a panel discussion of the topic, "What Education for Business?" The forum is designed to aid undergraduates who expect to be looking for a job in some business field and the speakers are expected to consider such questions as whether or not graduate work has become necessary for a successful business career.

Willkie, brother of the late Wendell, has been a business executive for many years. He is also the author of several books and over 40 published articles, and holds 14 United States and several foreign patents.

In line with his own views on the value of organized adult education Willkie has worked out a system whereby an employee at any one of Seagram's 11 plants can take university courses on any subject, wholly or partly at the company's expense, depending on his grades. An arrangement between Seagram's and the University of Louisville makes it possible to set up any course in demand by ten or more Seagram's employees.
