
Weeks Quits; Council Picks Fischelis As New President, Okays Food Poll

Spiro Is Named as Treasurer; O'Donnell Leaves Too; Lally, McCurdy May Fill Vacancies

William D. Weeks '49 last night resigned his post as president of the Student Council. In his place, the Council unanimously elected Robert L. Fischelis '49 of Kirkland House and Germantown, Pennsylvania.

Herbert J. Sprio '50 of Lowell House and San Antonio, Texas was named, also unanimously, to Fischelis' old post as treasurer of the Council.

Weeks' Reasons

Weeks gave two reasons for his resignation, which he explained, came after a full term's thought. Those were the pressure of personal matters, and the fact that he would be away from Cambridge for several weeks this spring looking for a job.

Spire was nominated first for the presidency by James H. Heller '49. He maintained that Spiro's "initiative and daring" made him more desirable for the post. Fischelis' supporters cited "greater experience," a "judicious attitude," and "the ability to organize and unify" as characteristics in his favor.


O'Donnell Quits

Charles R. Brynteson '50 and Edward P. Morrissey '49 were nominated for treasurer along with Spiro. Brynteson, however, declined the nomination.

The Council also accepted with regret the resignation of Lawrence F. O'Donnell '49.

Appointments to the two vacancies were not announced last night. The first two eligibles for the posts are John K. Lally '49, and Walter R. McCurdy '49, who were runners-up in the latest Council election.
