
SANSS Launches Spring Lectures; Lowell Starts New Forum Tonight

"What is Science?"

Percy Bridgman '04, professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, and George Wald, professor of Biology, will attempt to answer this question at 7:30 p.m. tonight in the Littauer Auditorium. The forum will start the spring half of the 1948-49 lecture series of the Student's Association for Natural and Social Sciences.

Bridgman has maintained in the past that science is not a special method but a certain field of inquiry.

Lowell House joins the forum field today when it presents the first in a new series of panel discussions about the social sciences at 7:30 p.m. in the Senior Common Room.

In its first term, the Lowell forum will analyze the English, French, and Russian revolutions in terms of the economic and social conditions, ideology, and leadership connected with the three revolts.


Speakers for the forum will be drawn largely from students concentrating in the social sciences rather than from the faculty.
