
Woolley Puts Off HDC Play Till Mid April

Laryngitis Forces Cancellation Of Scheduled Performance At Rindge Tech on March 2

Laryngitis has forced Monty Woolley to cancel his appearance in the Harvard Dramatic Club's March production of "The Man Who Came To Dinner." However, HDC officials stated last night that the play may be staged later in April with Woolley as "The Man."

Yesterday HDC received word from the William Morris Agency, Inc. that Woolley had suffered a severe attack of laryngitis. Doctors advised him to leave immediately for Florida for a complete rest.

Woolley had been scheduled to appear with HDC actors on March 2 in the Rindge Technical High School auditorium. HDC officials said last night that since rehearsals would have to begin later this spring, the production would be given tentatively on April 13.

HDC Awaits Word

A definite date will be announced if the HDC receives word of his complete recovery. The club must get approval for the advanced date from the Dean's Office. Approval would also have to come from Cambridge school officials who supervise the Rindge Tech auditorium.


The HDC also assured persons who had already bought tickets for the production that their mail orders would be returned. Tickets for the new date may now be ordered in advance.
