
Debaters Beaten By Princeton Duo

A Princeton debate team stressing the inefficiency of government industrial operations defeated the Crimson last night on the topic, "Resolved: That basic non-agricultural industries should be nationalized." The contest took place in Kirkland Junior Common Room.

Harvard's losing team of Lloyd Kratz '50 and Robert A. Walker '50 noted the success of such government-controlled projects as the TVA and claimed that nationalization would substitute the "public interest" for the present "financial oligarchy."

The debate was the first in the Ivy League Conference's home-and-home series.

Other Debates

Tonight two more Crimson teams are scheduled to compete. At 3 p.m., Donald A. Gianella '51 and Alexandro A. Lichauco '51 will face a Georgetown team at Phillips Brooks House. At 7:30 p.m. in Eliot Junior Common Room, Henry Q. Steiner '51 and A. Werner Pleus '51 take on two men from Dartmouth. Both Harvard teams will argue the negative side of the same nationalization question discussed last night.


