To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
Seldom has such asininity and irresponsibility been shown by the CRIMSON as in your phantasmagoric coverage of the Adams House forum on "The Vital Center." Your reporter's incompetency was first brought to light by the story announcing the forum, in which the CRIMSON said: "The book sets forth the author's (Schlesinger, Jr.'s) theories on a possible area of agreement between moderate liberal and modern conservative opinions." Your man obviously hasn't read the book, or does not comprehend it and has been misled by the title. Mr. Schlesinger, Jr. is a radical democrat and said so at the forum; he is a member of the non-Communist Left, not a Doughface progressive. Your story also said that Mr. Hughes would "discuss Schlesinger's work from the liberal side." This shows utter terminological confusion on the part of your reporter.
Your brief coverage of the two hours of actual debate was obtuse and certainly insulting to Mr. Hughes, whose contribution to the debate you totally ignored. And Mr. welcker never "urged . . . abandonment of the Marshall Plan." You reiterated your earlier misinterpretation about the dichotomy of political parties and made Schlesinger sound like the milk toast compromisers he detests . . . Sheldon L. Berens '51
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