
College Vets Will Not Be Affected By New V A Rule

Government-financed students at Harvard won't be affected by the new Veterans Administration ruling which makes possible extensions of education under the G.I. Bill, John U. Monro '35, counsellor for Veterans, said yesterday.

An Associated Press dispatch inaccurately condensed a Washington VA release concerning recovery of 15-day leave pay, Monro explained. The ruling does not apply to Christmas, Easter, and other vacation periods.

The only 15-day leaves which may be bought back are those which come at the end of a term. Some district VA's automatically at that time pay 15-day subsistence. In that case the veteran student can barter cash for an extension of subsidy at college.

In accordance with local VA policy, veterans here can choose whether or not they want pay during the 15-day leave periods. Since Harvard schedules only a few days between terms, veterans here have always elected to refuse the 15-day leave pay.
